PPPWU members and their families have access to a broad range of benefits thanks to their union contracts and union membership.

Pensions: PPPWU members participate in one or more of four strong retirement funds:

GCIU Employer Retirement Fund (ERF)
2323 Eastlake Ave E
Seattle, WA 98102
Phone: (800) 322-1489
Fax: (562) 463-5993
E-mail: ~GCIUProcessors@nwadmin.com

Graphic Communications National Pension Fund (NPF)
(formerly Supplemental Retirement and Disability Fund (SRDF))
455 Kehoe Blvd., Suite 101
Carol Stream, IL 60188
Phone: (630) 871-7733
Fax: (630) 871-0666
E-mail: info@gc-npf.org
Website: www.gc-npf.org

Graphic Arts Industry Joint Pension Trust (JPT)
3040 Williams Dr., Suite 640
Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone: (571)800-1860
Fax: (571)520-4167
E-mail: jpt@gaijpt.org
Website: www.gaijpt.org

(formerly Inter-Local Pension Fund (ILPF))
2075 Foxfield Rd., Suite 201
Charles, IL 60174
Phone: (630) 752-8400
Fax: (630) 752-8490
E-mail: maggie@tmrplan.org
Website: www.tmrplan.org

Emergency and Special Defense Fund: This fund helps participating local unions when their members are forced out on strike or are locked out of their workplaces. An unusual feature in the PPPWU’s defense fund is its provision of “sacrifice” benefits for members who have been discharged due to actions on behalf of the International or local union, such as refusal to cross a PPPWU picket line.

The Communicator: The PPPWU’s official publication is mailed to the home of every active member and retiree who wishes to receive it. The award-winning, 16-page color newspaper, which is published four times a year, covers events important to PPPWU members, including news about the International and PPPWU local unions. It also covers topics important to working families – the economy, legislation, safety and health, women’s issues, trade concerns, international events, and union activities in the United States and Canada.

The Communicator welcomes submissions of news and photos from PPPWU local unions. Make sure to include the names and union titles, if any, of all persons in photos. Also list a contact person, phone number, and best times to call with the submission. Send submissions to The Communicator, Managing Editor, 12301 Old Columbia Pike, Suite 310, Silver Spring, MD 20904.

Benevolent Trust Fund: The Benevolent Trust Fund (BTF) is available to many PPPWU members to help defray funeral expenses. Members may send an e-mail to request information on BTF benefits or to request a form to update beneficiary information. To send an e-mail, click here.

Union Plus: PPPWU members and their families enjoy a broad package of consumer discounts from Union Plus. Benefits available to PPPWU members include the Union Plus Credit Card, Legal Service, Union Member Mortgage & Real Estate, Union Driver & Traveler, Loan Program, Union Member Life Insurance, Union Member Dental Program, and Union Family Savers, which offers discounted car rentals, flower delivery, theme park packages, and more.

Graphic Communications National Health and Welfare Fund: Local unions in the United States will want to explore the exciting new options to subscribe to competitively priced medical, dental, prescription drug, employee assistance, vision, and other plans offered by this fund. Also offered are life, accidental death and dismemberment, and state disability income insurance benefits. This fund is open to all PPPWU local unions, employers and individual jointly trusteed funds.